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so i’m really gonna try my best
所以我尝试这以我最大的努力  detail>>
o i’m really gonna try my best
所以我尝试这以我最大的努力  detail>>
i will try my best to fly
我就能尽力去飞翔  detail>>
i beg your pardon but i do try my best
但是我已经尽力了  detail>>
but ill try the best as i can
但妈妈会尽力而为  detail>>
i did my best
情至义尽 我已尽我所能  detail>>
i really hate my job
五女餐厅  detail>>
so i’m gonna set me free
所以,我会自我解救  detail>>
so i’m never gonna dance again
我将再也不能跳舞 因此我将再也不能  detail>>
with all my might i try
还有你的爱 你的热吻  detail>>
and so i raise my head
我于是抬起头来  detail>>
i really miss that girl my love
我真正地想念那个女孩  detail>>
i really wannt open my arms
特别想从塔顶张开双手  detail>>
i am not afraid to try it on my own
我不怕去做自己  detail>>
i try to catch my breath again
试着再次屏住呼吸 我试图再次喘息 我又一次试著去掌握自己的呼吸  detail>>
i try to cherish it all my life
把你珍藏  detail>>
is that really so
真是那样的吗  detail>>
what are you gonna try to be
你究竟想变成什么  detail>>